Rethinking Learning Spaces

In a team of four, we worked on an assignment on learning spaces, design, and business learning. For the assignment, our group ended up focusing on the collaboration and learning opportunity between Accenture and Fjord. I learned to conduct interviews, to visualise and analyse our findings, to identify opportunity areas, and present our idea to the collaboration partners.

Retail and Product Solution class with Sibylle Schempf and Nicolò Luppino
Design Management, International
HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

In Cooperation with Fjord, Design and Innovation from Accenture Interactive (Zurich Studio)


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Introduction to the project work and the problem statement we worked on.

We used secondary and primary research to gather information and detect findings. The findings were then used to get insights and create design opportunities. In the end, the best possible opportunity was used for our design intervention. We submitted our project work as a process book and presented our idea to the teachers, our class, and the Fjord-team.


Design Project with Circular Clothing


Project Management