Project Management

In a team of six, we created a theoretical project plan and prepared a pitch to sell our “new chair” to a company called “Sitra”. I learned to manage a bigger team to coordinate and complete the task, to create a complete project plan, and to prepare and present a pitch of our idea.

Project Management class with Marcel Samstag
Design Management, International
HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts


The project work was fictional and we used an already existing design of a chair. The idea behind the assignment was to insert the inputs from the lecturer into a project plan. We came up with a company, with the team members and stakeholders who were part of this project, we researched the design and materials. We did a project timeline, calculated project costs, and assessed potential risks. The main importance was to set a clear project goal, objective, and plan.


Rethinking Learning Spaces


Service Design Management