
Julia Ahlberg graduated as a design manager from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and is based in central Switzerland.

She specialises in researching and analysing complex systems and co-creating design strategies emphasising relationships. Her commitment to listening, questioning, and reflecting helps her to support multi-disciplinary teams to design sustainable impact.

«I like to work with people who are passionate about what they do and who I can support with my structured and creative way of working.»

For more information or collaboration do not hesitate to get in touch!

System Thinking ⋅ Circular Design ⋅ Design for Transformation ⋅ Regeneration ⋅

System Thinking ⋅ Circular Design ⋅ Design for Transformation ⋅ Regeneration ⋅

Education, Work & Projects

  • Design Managers apply a collaborative and systemic approach to perform:

    Design research: to go beyond symptoms, reframe problems, and support sustainable transformation. They do this by collaboratively engaging in an iterative design process.

    Design facilitation & alignment: to align people within and across organisations. They do this by adopting a pluralistic view, fostering conversations, learning and co-creation.

    Design strategies: to support organisations’ transition and adopt sustainability. They do this by rethinking and partnering with leaders to foster knowledge exchange to explore and re-imagine more sustainable structures, processes, and activities.

  • I’m responsible for visual and online communication.

    I contribute to the learning journey during the 4th and 5th edition of the Catalyst Lab.

    Additionally, I support the development of the new strategy and learning journeys for systems change at collaboratio helvetica.

    We work in a self-organised organisation based on Sociocracy 3.0.

  • Autumn semester 2024: I'll mentor in the course "Transforming & Humanising Organisations" with Guillermina Noel.

    Spring semester 2024: I mentored in the course "Fostering Learning Organisations - Learning for Circularity" with Nicolò Luppino. The course was in collaboration with Patagonia.

    Courses in the Bachelor programme Design Management, International

  • I’m responsible for document layout, representing Akutmag at events, and project support [Akut Circular Talks, LinkedIn, Fundraising].

  • I advise communication and organisational tasks and focus on strategic development as a vice-president board member of SEET. I am engaged in the association activities by interviewing new potential mentoring participants, support at events, and team wellbeing.

    I was 2.5 years responsible for the external communication on all our social media channels.

    SEET is a study support programme for refugees. We support especially refugee women in (re)starting their studies in Switzerland by providing them with professional mentoring, a broad network, career workshops, and situational financial support.