Sharing Knowledge to go Circular

In a team of four, we worked on a design project to research our task given by our collaboration partner Circular Clothing. Circular Clothing seeks to help small and medium-sized Swiss textile labels to transform and take circular action. To make this change happen in the textile industry, the goal of this project is to create a design strategy for Circular Clothing to share and mobilise knowledge on circular actions.

We worked with the two research questions of:

"What are the knowledge needs and preferences of small and medium-sized Swiss textile labels? And what could foster their engagement in the process to achieve change going circular?"

Market Development class with Dr. Guillermina Noël and Nicolò Luppino
Design Management, International
HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

In Cooperation with Circular Clothing


Our project was implemented in October 2022 on the Circular Clothing website.

I learned to work in an iterative design process and to use extensive primary and secondary research to understand our problem area. I learned to conduct a Co-Design Workshop to gather data on the real needs of involved stakeholders and to test our design concept with circularity and textile experts to get specialised input on our design strategy.

Our final design strategy is a product assessment tool embedded on the Circular Clothing website.

Expected impact

The expected impact on small and medium-sized Swiss textile labels:

With the product assessment we provide small and medium-sized Swiss textile labels an individualised assessment tool that helps them find out how far along their products are on the journey to circularity, what they could improve, where they can start, and whom they can contact for trustworthy information. Our design strategy includes potential future opportunities in community building through extended user profiles and inspiration, but also transparency towards end users of textile products.

The expected impact on Circular Clothing:

The assessment tool creates a fun introduction to the topic of Cradle to Cradle Certified® and the associated requirements which Circular Clothing can follow up with expert advice. Furthermore, the assessment provides references to Circular Clothing’s offerings and includes direct links to appropriate resources which keeps the user engaged and may lead to partnerships. The generated assessment report can serve as a first estimation and conversation starter for a cooperation among small and medium-sized Swiss textile labels with Circular Clothing.


Circular Economy with EPEA Switzerland


Rethinking Learning Spaces