Understanding, Rethinking, and Changing the Food System

As a whole class, we looked into the topic of food systems and mapped the base to identify sub-systems for group project areas. In a group of four, we worked on the sub-system "Possibilities of Different Actors in the Swiss Democratic System to Participate in Shaping Agriculture Policies". The aim was to use a future-oriented design approach and to consider various variables of the policy-making system.

System Thinking class with Hans Kaspar Hugentobler and Stijn Ossevoort, and external feedback partners Daniel Christian Wahl, Ezio Manzini, and Luea Ritter
Design Management, International
HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts


I learned to identify problem areas, work in a future-oriented design process, and use extensive primary and secondary research to understand our problem area. I learned to envision a concrete future with specific scenarios to describe what can be done to work toward the desired future. The final giga-map helped to train how to communicate our whole work and to present the relevant findings.

Final Giga Map


BA Thesis: Rethink sustainability at HSLU D&K


Circular Economy with EPEA Switzerland