ADOBE XD Project Work

The double diamond design process was used to create an interaction design project work. The task was to decide on a new app or website idea and create a website prototype with Adobe XD based on user testing. I learned to use different tools (Adobe XD, Notion, and Plug-ins), keep clear record of my work process, include users fully in the design process, and to train my prototype testing skills.

Interaction Design class with Henning von Vogelsang
Design Management, International
HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts


Product Promise

“I want to create a platform where you can use your profile as a portfolio and job application at the same time. That potential employers can get an image of you directly through this profile and make the application process easier for creative artists of all kinds of categories. The difference is that it is an all in one platform and focuses also on the combination of creative categories to create a big community of like-minded. As a user, you can choose how integrated you want to use your profile. The first page when you open up the platform should also not be too overwhelming and there is an about page that clearly tells what the platform is about.

The platform is a mix between Behance, Squarespace, Pinterest and LinkedIn.”

The text is from my written submission describing my idea.

Link to Adobe Final Prototype
Access only with Adobe.

Notion page of entire project work.
Access only by request.


Utopian Dreams, Real Identities


Document Design Akut Magazine